Public Health Solutions (PHS) has been at the forefront of research to identify and track sexual and drug-use behaviors associated with HIV transmission as well as the development and utilization of interventions to promote behavior change. To date, our Research & Evaluation team has enrolled more than 80,000 gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in behavioral research that has made substantial contributions to the understanding of transmission patterns of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
This research has dovetailed with our HIV/AIDS prevention work conducted in collaborations with NYC DOHMH and over 200 community-based organizations across the city.
Learn More About Our HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care
Technology-Based Research
PHS is a leader in developing technology-based interventions and social marketing campaigns using video, social media, and interactive internet-based applications. These eHealth and mHealth (electronic and mobile health) projects have been effective tools in reducing HIV risk behavior.