This past summer, we made the difficult decision to turn away Title X funding due to the federal government’s gag rule that would prevent us from providing comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care services at two centers in Brooklyn to thousands of low-income New Yorkers.
While we were able to secure temporary replacement funding allowing our centers to continue operations, we no longer have access to discounted medications and other related essentials like pregnancy test kits, contraception, and HPV vaccines, affecting our ability to provide free services to our clients.
We urgently need to raise $40,000 by November 1st to support free services for our most vulnerable community members – at-risk teenagers, the uninsured and low-income women and men.
Without the access to free services that PHS provides, many of our clients would have nowhere else to go and would fall through the cracks, leading to an uptick in unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.
You can help us fill the gap
Your support means free services to communities that need them the most. Your gift of $100 can provide 250 pregnancy tests to women in need. $250 can provide a woman with an IUD, and $500 can mean that 45 women receive monthly contraceptives for a year. Your gift of $1,000 could help pay for HPV vaccine for a teenager.